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TotalCare from Nature Neem


Water soluble formulation of cold-pressed neem oil for plant pest control

TotalCare is the commonly used botanical pesticide in organic agriculture and in gardens. It is obtained by emulsifying pure cold pressed neem oil obtained from the current season neem seeds. The choice and the dosage of emulsifier is optimised after long years of research so that all the magic ingredients of neem are well preserved. TotalCare is widely used in several countries around the world as an organic pesticide either singly or in integrated pest management programs. When compared to other known botanical pesticides, TotalCare is superior due to its wider application and its influence on nearly 200 pest species. It is significant that some of them are already resistant or inherently difficult to control with conventional pesticides (Example: floral thrips, diamond back moth and several leaf miners).
  • Eco friendly :Organic, natural and biodegradable.

  • Nontoxic to mammals, animals, birds and aquatic life.
  • No post-harvest indexes. No Residual toxicity carried over to the harvested product. Can be applied at any stage of the plant.
  • The herbal power of neem provides a natural remedy by increasing the overall health of the plant and by increasing its resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Carries the organic source of macro and micro-nutrients. Contains nearly 200 oligo-elements.
  • Suitable for organic agriculture. Inspected by ECOCERT SA F 32600.






Sold as AZACT CE

How it works ?

TotalCare belongs to the category of medium to broad-spectrum insecticide. It works by intervening at several life cycle stages of the insect. Following are the mode of the action of TotalCare on the insect pests.

  • Disrupts insect reproduction and sterilizes insect reproductive organs.
  • Reduces insect fitness as an insect growth regulator. The activity of ecdysone is suppressed, and the larva fails to moult, remains in the larval stage, and ultimately dies.
  • Acts as a feeding deterrent and affects insect digestion, excretion, and locomotion. Produces anti-peristaltic wave in the alimentary canal which produces something like vomiting sensation in the insect. Thus, insects do not feed on the treated surface. Its ability to swallow is also blocked.
  • Disrupts, delays or prohibits the capability of insects to develop resistance to pesticides.
  • Does not affects the beneficial organisms like pollinators, predators, earthworms etc. When the population of predators are maintained, the exponential growth of pest populations is suppressed.
  • Improves pesticidal effects, when mixed with conventional pesticides.
  • Other pesticidal activity includes: Inhibition of the formation of chitin or exoskeleton. Disruption of sexual communication and thereby mating. Repellent activity on adults from laying eggs. Sterilization of adults in certain species
Other pesticidal activity includes:
  • Inhibition of the formation of chitin or exoskeleton.
  • Disruption of sexual communication and thereby mating.
  • Repellent activity on adults from laying eggs.
  • Sterilization of adults in certain species.

Neem oil as an insect growth regulator

Neem oil as an insect growth regulator
Neem oil as an insect growth regulator Scientific studies reveal that neem oil significantly increased aphid nymphal mortality while delays the development time of those surviving to adulthood.

TotalCare as a fungicide

TotalCare acts as a good preventive fungicide when fungal diseases are just starting to show. It coats the leaf surface which in turn prevents the germination of the fungal spores. Neem is effective against root rots, mildews, rusts, scab, leaf spot and blights. It works as a barrier and not as a systemic fungicide.

How is TotalCare different from other neem oil based or organic pesticides?

TotalCare is prepared by an experienced team of technocrats containing entomologists, chemists, agricultural scientists, and field level technicians who know what the practical difficulties in controlling pests without chemicals or conventional pesticides. TotalCare is a unique combination of neem oil obtained by the cold pressing current season seeds and natural surfactants which acts as stabilizers and emulsifiers and leaves no chemical residue in the final harvested produce. TotalCare is tested in several crops against a spectrum of pest species. Moreover, ‘Micro Emulsion technology’ facilitates the water-soluble formulation of TotalCare to produce smaller droplets of neem oil which can be well eaten by a targeted pest. Once this natural insecticide is eaten, it shows its effect as a swollen throat, resulting in the inability to feed. That’s why TotalCare is also known as a feeding deterrent.

TotalCare coats the leaf surface

which in turn prevents the germination of the fungal spores
TotalCare by Nature Neem coats the leaf surface

Scientific Proof on neem effects

Visit our collection of scientific articles
TotalCare - How ?



As plant foliar spray by mixing 5-15 ml of TotalCare in 1 litre of water. 1500 – 2250 ml of TotalCare diluted in 150 litres of water is generally required to cover one hectare of crop. The dilution factor (dosage per litre of water) depends on three factors: size of the plant, existing pest population and the volume of water required to cover a unit area of crop. It is recommended to spray the solution within 8 hours after dilution. Spray during evening hours has more effects. For an optimal control, spray once in a week and if necessary, increase the frequency of application. The spraying frequency can be increased during the hottest month or during a rainy weather.

Recommandations for professionals

High volume sprayers (example traditional hand sprayers) require more water to cover the plant. So we must reduce the dosage to 5 ml per litre of water. Low volume sophisticated sprayers fitted to tractors and aeroplanes utilised by professionals can cover the plant with less volume of water. So we have to increase the dosage as high as 300 ml per litre of water. For detailed information about the dosage of TotalCare in different scenarios, download and consult this document. You can also contact our professional services who can share their experiences.

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Use cases

  • For a preventive spray in a field crop, like cotton, maize., mix 10 ml of TotalCare per litre of water. 1500 ml of TotalCare shall be required to cover un hectare. In case of severe pest incidence, you can increase the dose up to 15 ml per litre water. i.e. 2250 ml of TotalCare per hectare. Correct the pH.
  • For horticultural crops, trees and bushes that require more water to cover, mix 2-5 ml per litre of water.
  • For tender or younger plants, decrease the dosage to 5 ml per litre of water.
  • For kitchen gardens or garden plants where hand sprays are generally utilized, depending upon pest incidence, mix 5-10 ml of TotalCare per litre of water. If the pH of your water is more than 7, add a few drops of acetic acid (vinegar) to correct it. Drenching the plots with the diluted product at the rate of 2 ml per litre of water can kill nematodes and root pests.
Azact the TotalCare version in Brazil


The version of TotalCare approved by Brazilian authorities and sold at Brazil by our partner LACSA. A proof for large scale pest control for massive cultures using TotalCare.

Period of Application

Applicable during all the stage of crops such as seedling, pre-flowering, flowering, pre-harvest and just before harvest.
There is no residual effect. For fruits and vegetables, TotalCare can be applied just before or during the harvest.
TotalCare is suitable for Indoor/Outdoor use on Ornamental Flowering Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Foliage, Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts. Fits in hydroponics, aerophonics, top dressing sprays, soil drenching, root feeding and stem injection.
Azact best way in Brazil - Argricultura organica
The best way to eat healthier food is by organic pesticides. TotalCare does not leaves any residues in the harvested products.
TotalCare - Applications


100 % organic content that contains

  • Azadirachtin: 2700 ppm (0.27%) | Nimbin: 3800 ppm (0.38%) | Salanin: 5800 ppm (0.58%).

  • Oleic acids: Stearic, palmitic, linoleic & myristic.
  • Macro nutrients (as %) : Nitrogen: 2 % | Phosphorous : 0,65 % | Potash : 0,10%.
  • Oligo elements (as mg/L) : Copper : 0,1 | Iron : 20 |Magnesium : 24 | Sodium : 30 | Sulphur : 2000 | Zinc : 5.5.

  • Allowed emulsifiers : upto 10 %.
    Values are based on the average of several batches. Typical batch results may slightly vary depending on the season and duration of storage.

TotalCare - Ingredients


TotalCare is suitable to utilised as organic input as per the following organic standards.
TotalCare certified by Ecocert


by Ecocert SA F-32600

Input suitable for organic agriculture. Inspected by Ecocert SA F-32600. Attestation reference : 655IN1700n2e

TotalCare certification from USDA organic

National Organic Programe (NOP)


Input suitable for organic farming, Product Compliant Under NOP.

TotalCare certification from EC

European Commission Standards

by EC

Inputs suitable for use in Organic Farming, according to (EC) n° 834/2007 & 889/2008 Regulations.

TotalCare certification from JAS Japanese Agricultural Standard

Japanese Agricultural Standard

by JAS

Product suitable for use in Organic Agriculture conforming to JAS Regulation.

TotalCare certification from Soil Association Organic

Soil Association Certification

Soil Association
Approved Inputs For Organic Farms
TotalCare - Certifications

Frequently Asked Questions

I go for organic certification? Can I utilize TotalCare?

TotalCare is certified organic by Ecocert to be complaint to NOP, EU & JAP norms. Please contact us, certifying agency is requesting the Ecocert input authorization details. Neem oil has been approved as an organic input by all of the certification agencies in the world.

Is TotalCare safer to beneficial insects?

TotalCare is highly safe to beneficial insects. In fact, TotalCare augments beneficial population in treated fields.

Does TotalCare hurts honey bees and other beneficial insects?

TotalCare is highly safe to honey bees, predators, and earthworms. In fact, neem oil spray helps to cure “Nosemosis” and mite problems of honey bees. Beneficial organisms significantly aid control of pests with TotalCare.

Does TotalCare exhibit knockdown effect?

Unlike conventional chemicals, TotalCare does not provide the knockdown effect. Insect mortality begins within hours of spray and extends over 3-5 days. However, insects stop feeding and damaging plants since the time of spray.

Is it different from conventional chemicals?

Generally conventional pesticides exhibit knockdown effect, but the control lasts only for a few days. But TotalCare exhibit slow and sustainable control of pests.

What are all the suggestion to our customers?

Do not panic when pests are found on the plants within 1 or 2 days after spray. TotalCare works sustainably on pests and stops crop damage from the time of spray. Within days of sprays, the control of pests is same as in conventional pesticides and TotalCare. We advise users to understand the mode of action of the product. TotalCare is the best choice for ultimate grower benefits.

Whether TotalCare shows synergism with other insecticides or Biologicals?

TotalCare can be alternated or tank mixed with other insecticides and fungicides. However, it is recommended to check tank mix compatibility. TotalCare makes insects physiologically weak and thus increases its susceptibility to conventional insecticides and biologicals.

Does TotalCare help prevent or delay insect resistance?

Azadirachtin and neem compounds are known to disrupt MFO induction (mixed function oxidase) in many insects and thus it is believed that TotalCare help prevent resistance. Field trials revealed good control of resistant pest population when TotalCare is integrated.

Can TotalCare be used in IPM programs?

TotalCare is an ideal IPM tool for managing resistance in insects and helps reduce insecticidal inputs.

What pests TotalCare controls?

TotalCare is a broad-spectrum product and control Caterpillars, Beetles, Aphids, White flies, Thrips, Mites, Leaf miners, Lice, Fleas, Grasshoppers etc.

Does TotalCare help to reduce insecticide use?

It has been proved that integration of TotalCare in pest management programs, reduces the number of insecticidal sprays.

Is there a Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI) for TotalCare formulations?

There is no PHI for TotalCare. The product can be applied until the time of harvest.

What is the ideal spray interval for best results for TotalCare?

Spray TotalCare once in 7 to 10 days depending on pest incidence. However, actual spray recommendation should be based on actual pest incidence.

What are important tips for good pest control of TotalCare?

  • Early sprays as soon as pests are observed.
  • Spray at 7-10 days interval.
  • Spray rotation with biological and conventionals in case of organic and conventional crops respectively.
  • “PH” correction of spray fluid.
  • Good pest scouting.
  • Do not panic if dead insects are not seen immediately after the treatment.

Do TotalCare formulations exhibit contact toxicity?

Soft-bodied pests like aphids, mites, whiteflies show contact toxicity to TotalCare.

Can you use TotalCare to exhibit systemic activity?

TotalCare exhibits systemic effect upon soil application. This provides good control of Leaf miners, Aphids, Whiteflies and Caterpillars.

What are the overall benefits of TotalCare?

  • Support organic crop protection
  • Provide sustainable pest control
  • Prevent or prohibit pest resistance
  • Reduce pesticidal applications
TotalCare by Nature Neem is certified by Ecocert

Neem ingredients never gets leached into the water sources neither pollutes aquatic life

Photo by Guillaume LORAIN on Unsplash
TotalCare - FAQ

List of insects controlled by TotalCare

TotalCare is particularly efficient against Aphids, Armyworms, Beetles, Bollworms, Borers, Budworms, Caterpillars, Cutworms, Flies and maggots, Fruit worm, Grubs, Leaf folders, Leafhoppers, Leaf miners, Leafrollers, Loopers, Mealy Bug, Mites, Moths, Phylloxera, Psyllids, Scale, Thrips, Weevils, Whiteflies and more.

Insect control with TotalCare by Nature Neem

Neem is scientifically proven to be effective against the dreadful pest American Boll Worm.

Use TotalCare To Do It Well

List of insects controlled by TotalCare

American Boll Worm
Heliothis Armigera
Angoumis Grain Moth
Sitorega Cerealella
Bark Eating Caterpillar
Indarbela Quadrinotata
Beet Leaf Bug
Piesma Quadratum
Brown Planthopper
Nilaparvata Lugens
Cabbage Butterfly
Pieris Brassicae
Chafer Beetle
Apogonia Blancharid
Citrus Leafminer
Phyllocnistis Citrella
Confused Flour Beetle
Tribolium Confusum
Corn Aphid
Rhopaloispum Maidis
Cotton Aphid
Aphis Gossypii
Dessert Locust
Schistocera Gregaria
Diamond Black Moth
Plutella Xylostella
Diamond Moth
Plutella Maculipennis
Gall Midge
Orseolis Oryzae
Grain Borer
Rhizopertha Dominica
Oriental Armyworm
Mythimna Separate
Pink Cotton Boll Worm
Petinophora Gossypiella
Pod Fly
Melanogromyza Obtusa
Pulse Beetle
Callosobruchus Chinensis
Pulse Bruchid
Callosbruchus Maculates
Red Boll Worm
Rabila Frontalis
Red Hairy Caterpillar
Amsacta Albistriga
Reniform Nematode
Rotylenchulus Reinform
Rhinoceros Beetle
Oryctes Rhinoceros
Rice Moth
Corcyra Cephalonica
Rice Skipper
Pelopidas Mathias
Root Knot Nematode
Melodidogyne Incognita
Root Lesion Nematode
Pratylenchus Genus
Rust Red Flour Beetle
Tribolium Castaneum



250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre, 5 litres, 20 litres,
200 litres or 180 Kg MS or plastic drums.
Bulk supplies can be arranged in 10/20-ton tankers by road, rail and sea. Neem oil is not generally restricted by entry barriers in countries across the world. We utilize recyclable containers as per the European norms.

NatureNeem logo white vector

Distributor, Reseller, Retail : Need more than 30 liters ?

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Neem oil is not generally restricted by entry barriers in countries across the world. We use recyclable containers as per the European norms.
200 litres or 180 Kg MS or plastic drums. Bulk supplies can be arranged in 10/20-ton tankers by road, rail and sea.