Natural Products

International Products

TotalCare is the commonly used botanical pesticide in organic agriculture and in gardens. It is obtained by emulsifying pure cold pressed neem oil obtained from the current season neem seeds. The choice and the dosage of emulsifier is optimised after long years of research so that all the magic ingredients of neem are well preserved.
TotalCare is widely used in several countries around the world as an organic pesticide either singly or in integrated pest management programs. When compared to other known botanical pesticides, TotalCare is superior due to its wider application and its influence on nearly 200 pest species. It is significant that some of them are already resistant or inherently difficult to control with conventional pesticides (Example: floral thrips, diamond back moth and several leaf miners).

BioCare is the choice of pet keepers who want to search for a natural alternative to chemical pesticides. These synthetic pesticides not only stress the animals but also affect the human beings in contact with these animals.
BioCare is certified organic and it does not leave any traces in the animal body. Hence, it is a favourite input for organic farmers producing certified meat and eggs.
When compared to other known botanical pesticides such as Rotenone and Pyrethrin’s, BioCare is superior due to its wider application and its influence on nearly 600 species of insects and fungus. It is significant that some of the fungal infections such as the ringworms that are resistant to conventional pesticides are effectively cured by BioCare.

Our pure neem oil is without any stabilizers, emulsifiers or additives and certified by Ecocert as an organic input.
Neem is a biochemical factory that contains several thousands of organic compounds. Each part of neem is used in medicines. Neem oil has been proved of its curative properties and it has been widely used in traditional system of medicine for centuries now.
After numerous research by leading organizations, neem has been found to be safest medicinal herbs effective against a number of diseases. The FDA's Office of Special Nutritionals maintains an extensive database of adverse effects from herbal medications. This database does not include any references to Neem that would indicate potential problems.

Best organic fertilizer that contains macronutrients and micronutrients in natural form. Bio-stimulant for the plants when get absorbed through roots. It accelerates root development and overall plant growth.
NutrAza improves the general appearance of fruits & vegetables and increasing the leaf age, growth, blossoming and strengthening the roots. Soil conditioner that improves soil structure by adding organic content and bringing back the soil flora.
Natural soil pesticide & fungicide that repels soil insects and retards soil pathogenic fungus. Best natural nematicide with scientifically proven long-term remedy against a spectrum of nematodes affecting plants.
The Quality of our Pure Neem Oil
Quality Process

Quality Control

The #1 Quality Pure Neem Oil
TotalCare is the commonly used botanical pesticide in organic agriculture and in gardens. It is obtained by emulsifying pure cold pressed neem oil obtained from the current season neem seeds...
BioCare is a novel formulation from the research team of Nature Neem. Its ingredients are optimised for animal and birds. It is effective to control the external parasites and the different fungal diseases affecting animals and birds...
These neem seeds are obtained by depulping, washing, drying and decorticating current season neem fruits...
Nutraza is obtained by pelletising the cold-pressed neem seed kernel cake. In certain conditions, it is enriched with organic supplements so that it can rectify the micronutrients imbalance in the soil...
Markus Spiske, Sharon Pittaway, Erwan Hesry, Jametlene Reskp, www.zanda. photography, Roman Synkevych, Francesco Gallarotti, Markus Winkler, Maarten van den Heuvel, Naseem Buras, Markus Spiske, Nikola Knezevic, Daniel Fazio, Gabriel, Fumiaki Hayashi.