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Neem in organic agriculture

Neem in organic agriculture

Neem (Azadirachta indica Meliaceae, subfamily Meloideae and tribe Melieae. Neem is an evergreen, tall, fast-growing tree, which a height of 25m and 2.5m in girth which has an attractive crown of deep green foliage and honey scented flowers). Neem is the most versatile, multifarious trees of tropics, with immense potential. It possesses maximum useful non-wood products (leaves, bark, flowers, fruits, seed, gum, oil and neem cake) than any other tree species. These non-wood products are known to have antiallergenic, antidermatic, antifeedent, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antipyorrhoeic, antiscabic, cardiac, diuretic, insecticidal, larvicidal, nematicidal, spermicidal and other biological activities. Because of these activities neem has found enormous applications making it a green treasure.

Nombre de archivo: NEEM in organic agriculture.pdf
Categoría: Neem as a bio pesticide for plants
Tamaño del archivo: 919.12 KB
Tipo de archivo: application/pdf

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