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Neem as a fungicide

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of aqueous, ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts from neem leaves on growth of some human pathogens. The 20% ethyl acetate extract ..
Many of the existing synthetic drugs cause various side effects. Hence, drug development plant based compounds could be useful in meeting this demand for newer drugs with minimal side ..
The results of this research reveals the therapeutic potential of neem to the control of dermatophytosis.
Compatibility of the Fungus Beauveria Bassiana (Bals.) Vuill.(Deuteromycetes) with Extracts of Neem Seeds and Leaves and the Emulsible Oil.
un effet significatif positif de l’extrait d’huile de neem dans la réduction des attaques des Phytophthora spp. sur les cabosses de cacaoyer
The studies based on animal model established that neem and its chief constituents play pivotal role in anticancer management through the modulation of various molecular pathways including p53, pTEN, ..