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Antiviral effect of aqueous neem extract

Antiviral effect of aqueous neem extract

Antiviral effect of crude aqueous extracts of Neem leaves and Neem bark (Azadirachta indica) belonging to the family Meliaceae against velogenic Newcastle Disease virus was studied. Maximum non- toxic dose and determination of antiviral activity by in vitro and in vivo virus inhibition assay was carried out using embryonated SPF chicken eggs and SPF chickens. Different concentration content of the aqueous neem extract from branches of neem tree storing at 4°C reacted against velogenic ND virus was conducted. Determination of antiviral activity by in vivo assay in SPF chickens was compared to the group of untreated with Neem extract.

Nom de fichier: Antiviral effect of aqueous neem extract.pdf
Catégorie: Neem as a viricide
Taille du fichier: 1.55 MB
Type de fichier: application/pdf

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