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Effect of neem seed cake in organic agriculture

Effect of neem seed cake in organic agriculture

In India, production of pulses is around 13.5- 15 million tonns during the last decade, while annual domestic demand is 18-19 million tons. The yield of pulses has remained virtually stagnant for the last 40 year (539 kg/ha in 1961 to 544 kg/ha in 2001 to 651 kg/ha in 2013-14). India is short of supply by 2 to 3 million tonns annually. (Agropedia, 2014-15). Green gram [Vigna radiata L.] (2n= 2x= 22) is third important pulse after chickpea and Pigeon pea. It is a self-pollinated crop and is an important grain legume of the tropical area. Greengram is also called mung, moong, mungo, greengram, goldengram, chicksaw pea and Oregon pea.

Nom de fichier: effect of neem seed cake in organic agriculture.pdf
Catégorie: Neem as on organic fertilizer
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Type de fichier: application/pdf

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